What is My Part?

What’s My Part? – Rev. Susan Shumway


I remember when Princess Diana died in a car crash, there was an intense look at the media and the part they played in it.  I also remember someone commenting that people who would go out and buy magazines with her face on the front and story within had responsibility for creating an environment where journalists fought for the next story or picture that would bring in a large sum of money.


Today I am reflecting on my part in creating an environment where there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.  Our political world is filled with toxicity.  I am not sure whether this comes from our culture, or our culture has been tainted by the political toxicity.  At this point when we swim in venom and hatred, I believe it’s a moot point.  We must deal with the venom and hatred that swirls around us. We too can take on these attitudes or we can try something different. 


The most common two ways of dealing with the venom and hatred have been to start speaking and acting hatefully, or saying nothing.  I wonder if I have said nothing too often.  I wonder if I have been too quiet in my statements.  I pray for forgiveness for when I have said nothing or been too quiet.


Hear me ROAR – VOILENCE BRINGS MORE VIOLENCE.  PEACE BRINGS MORE PEACE.  Each of us has the ability and responsibility to decide what happens from here.  I will not be violent in my words and I will not be violent in my actions.  I will speak of Love and recognize that Love is greater than hate.  I will respect the differences I see in you and respond by listening.  I will be the change I want to see in the world.  More listening. More respect.  More Love.


